UPPCL Electricity Theft Penalty Calculator

In the UPPCL Electricity Department of UTTAR PRADESH, In case of electricity theft, what amount of assessment and compounding is deposited. In this article, we will learn about the calculation of the above-mentioned assessment and summon fees/compounding. Through using this assessment calculator we can easily find theft assessment and summon shulk / compounding by pressing the calculate button. UPPCL electricity theft penalty calculator
How to select entries-
1- Select Categories- Type of use of theft means it is domestic or commercial or agricultural.
2-Select Connected Load- Total load of connected appliances.
3-Select “NO. OF DAYS OF THEFT”- For how many days theft is being done it means actual days of use electricity theft. Count no. of days yourself and enter in it.
4- Select load unit KW or HP- in case of domestic and commercial use it will be KW and In case agricultural categories it will be HP.
5- Type of theft-
i) Direct theft- This means the accused do not have a previous legal connection. It is katiya
ii) Bypass meter-accused have a legal connection but made meter bypass so full energy/current do not flow through the meter.
iii) Damage meter willingly/ intensionally- Accused made damage meter willingly.

UPPCL Electricity Theft Penalty Calculator

Electricity Theft Assessment Calculator

Electricity Theft Assessment Calculator

There are two part of penalty its name and description is as follow-

1- Summon shulk also called compounding 

2- Assessment

Summon shulk / compounding Charge– Compounding is court fees against crime done. Which is varies according to the type of supply use. Means its amount will be different for domestic use, commercial use, and industrial use. 

Compounding Charges for Theft of Electricity

The rate at which the sum of money for compounding is to be collected per Kilowatt (KW)/Horse Power (HP) or part thereof for Low Tension (LT) supply and per Kilo Volt Ampere (KVA) of contracted demand for High Tension (HT)

CategoriesCompounding Charge
Domestic servicei) 2000 rupes for 1 kw 
ii) 4000 rupees / kw for more than 1 kw
Commercial Service10000 rupees /kw;
Agricultural Service2000 rupees/kw ;
Industrial Service20000 rupees/ kw
Other Services4000 rupees/ kw

Assessment– This is the cost of energy used by the culprit during the theft of supply. Or we can say it is an electricity bill in the period of theft. Since it is named as a penalty so calculated bill for the period of theft is multiplied by two.

Calculation of Theft Assessment and Compounding

For 1 kW rural Domestic use, Direct Theft for 365 days of use-
first of all, calculate unit using formula = L*H*F*D

=1 KW* 18* 1*365 = 6570 Kwh
=Energy charge= 1200 unit @3.35 rs * 2 times= 1200*3.35*2= ₹ 8040
600 unit @3.85 rs * 2 times= 600*3.85*2= ₹ 4620
1800 unit @5 rs * 2 times= 1800*5*2= ₹ 18000
2400 unit @5.5 rs * 2 times= 2400*5.5*2= ₹ 26400
570 unit @ 6 rs * 2 times= 570*6*2= ₹ 6840
total energy charge= ₹ 63900 /-
fixed charge= 12*90= ₹ 1080
Eletricity duty= 5%( energy charge+ fixed charge)= ₹ (63900+1080)= ₹ 3195
Tatal assessment = 63900+1080+3195=63900+1080+3195= ₹ 67095
compounding charge/ summon shulk= ₹ 2000/-

Total Penalty= 69095+2000= ₹ 71095 /-
by using above UPPCL electricity theft penalty calculator any can get penalty and its part easily.

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