IDF RDF CDF MU NA NR BILL in electricity bill
Bill Basis means on what basis (i.e. reading or fixed basis) the bill is made. As we all know while preparing the electricity bill, the current month’s reading is subtracted to the previous month’s reading and we find the unit consumed. Then the electricity bill is made by multiplying the consumed unit by the tariff rate. bill made by using reading also called MU bill(ie. metered unit base). Suppose the meter got defected in a month. Due to this the reading for the current month could not be found. In that case, the bill would be made on the basis of a fixed unit or average unit. And such a case is called IDF bill basis i.e. informed defective. There can be many such situations. In which the bill is not formed based on meter unit and there are many other types of bill basis. The details of What is IDF RDF CDF MU NA NR in electricity bill are as follows.
Full form of RDF, IDF, CDF, and ADF in electricity bill
IDF/ADF/RDF/CDF is the meter read remarks for the defective meters or wrong reading entry. DF stands for the Defective. The full form of this meter read remarks are as follows:
- IDF – informed Defective
- RDF – Reading Defective
- ADF – Appeared Defective
- CDF – Ceiling Defective
IDF bill means – Informed Defective
IDF means informed defective, If the meter got defective in a month and the reader wants to make the bill, then the bill has to create on an IDF bill basis. Because the meter of the consumer has been damaged or showing no display. In such a case, the bill is formed on an average or fixed unit. And the meter is changed by the electric department.
RDF bill means -Reading Defective
If the meter reading in the present month is posted more than the previous month by the meter reader in a month, then in such case the bill is made based on RDF. suppose in the previous month the reading was 100 units and in the current month, the reading reader accidentally posted 50 units instead of posting more than 100 units. That is, unit consumption = 50-100 = -50 unit means negative consumption. so the bill is framed on an RDF base. Its correction is corrected by the electricity department by amending the bill.
CDF means- Ceiling Defective
If too many readings are accidentally posted by a reader. Suppose if a digit is repeatedly pressed while posting, the bill can be made in crores of rupees. The ceiling limit is levied to prevent the bill from becoming too much. And the bill is made up to a maximum of 800 units at a time. The entire wrong unit is not formed. And by posting the correct unit, the bill is corrected by the Electricity Department.
NA means- Not accessible
If the bill of a consumer is not made due to the height of the meter, a bill is not framed then the bill in that month will be made on an NA basis. NA- means the meter is not accessible. In this, a provisional bill of 108 units like the fixed unit is made. When the actual unit is posted. So the provisional bill is reduced.
UM means- Unmetered
if there is no meter on any campus. And the consumer connection continues. So the unmetered case will be billing basis. In such a case a bill is made according to 500/600 rupees per month per kw. Or the amount and rate may also be different.
NR means-Not Reading
If a consumer does not get a bill due to the closure of the consumer’s premises in a month, then he makes the bill based on NA- not reading. In this, a provisional bill of 108 units like the fixed unit is made. When the actual unit is posted. So the provisional bill is reduced.
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