Ptw Uppcl login
In Uttar Pradesh, any person can get the connection of ptw for agriculture work by applying for a private tube well connection on uppcl website
For Private tube well connection in up click on the following ptw uppcl login portal link-
Ptw Uppcl Login Procedure
For applying a new connection in ptw there are two steps –
1 -Registration
2- Login using user id and password
First of all, the applicant has to register for getting a new connection in PTW (private tube well). For registration, the applicant has to fill following detail-
1.) Applicant’s Name/आवेदक का नाम :*
2.) Date of Birth/जन्मतिथि : *
3.) Email ID/ई-मेल आईडी :
4.) Mobile No./मोबाइल नंबर :
5.) Captcha/कैप्चा :
After entering all the above detail applicant has to click on the register button. After that, the login credential user id and password will be sent to the applicant’s registered mobile number and email id both. using that user id and password sent on the applicant’s mobile number. the applicant has to pay processing fees, and also has to enter all detail like name, father name, load, and all other required fields. And following document has to be uploaded on the portal-
1- Khatauni or landowner certificate, sale deed, registry paper.
2- Boring certificate issued by BDO office of that area.
3- Aadhar card of applicant
Applicant name and gata number must be the same on the boring certificate and khatuni or registry paper. Otherwise, the application will be rejected by the department executive engineer.
After reviewing the document department’s junior engineer and sdo will visit the land on which the connection is applied for. And they will prepare a feasibility report and estimate. That feasibility report and estimate shall be uploaded on the ptw portal by sdo.
The applicant has to deposit the estimated amount and they have to upload the following document again-
Document Required During Agreement-
The following documents are required during the agreement with the executive engineer-
1– Stamp paper of ₹ 100 which is used to make an agreement between the Executive Engineer OF UPPCL and the applicant.
2- Treasury Challan of ₹ 500 which is made from any branch of SBI Bank which is challaned mainly in the name of Directorate of Electrical Safety.
3– The third is, B & L form, a certificate is issued by an authorized contractor.
After uploading the above document department officer will install a meter on the consumer connection and release the connection. and an account number will be generated that will work as a connection number.
If the line and transformer are also required to be placed or constructed then that line has to be built by the applicant as labor charge is not charged in the estimate deposited by the applicant and that work of building line shall be done supervision of the electricity department officer.