WHAT IS SAMANYA YOJNA/ GENERAL SCHEME-Samany Yojna basically is a government scheme in which if an electricity connection seeking applicant apply for connection and its estimated cost includes a transformer, pole, conductors, insulator then the cost of connection would increase too high. and a farmer seeking connection would not be able to pay its cost.

HOW TO APPLY FOR SAMANYA YOJNA/GENERAL SCHEME– This scheme comes in each year in April month. first when an applicant applies for a new connection for tubewell and he did boring by mean of BDO of the respective area then the electricity department like uppcl offers a subsidy on estimated cost( like in the year 2020 it is 68000 rupees). for applying connection we have to go to the electricity department portal like in uppcl we have to go and click on the private tubewell connection option. and start filling the online form.

SUBSIDY AMOUNT– Subsidy amount would be 68000 rs. on each connection.
it would be deducted from the estimated cost for connection. suppose the whole cost is 150000
rs then cost to be deposited would be 150000-68000=82000 rs only.

HOW TO APPLY FOR SAMANYA YOJNA– we should go to uppcl/electricity department website. like in uppcl and you will see apply for a tubewell connection. and fill the online form. during filling form in scheme select samanya yojna.

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