jtp.uppcl – New Electricity connection UP



Procedure for New connection on Jhatpat (jtp.uppcl)

  • Through this Portal (jtp.uppcl) you can apply Online New Electricity Connection in Uttar Pradesh for a minimum 01 Kilowatt & maximum 500 Kilowatt load.
    उत्तर प्रदेश में न्यूनतम 01 किलोवाट तथा अधिकतम 500 किलोवाट के नए विद्युत संयोजन हेतु आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
  • First of all, get registered through your mobile no. and get your user id and password.
    सबसे पहले आप अपने मोबाइल नंबर से रजिस्टर करें। और अपना यूजर आईडी और पासवर्ड प्राप्त करें।
  • using that user id and password applicant has to log in again for filling in his required detail.
    उस यूजर आईडी और पासवर्ड का उपयोग करके आवेदक को अपना आवश्यक विवरण भरने के लिए फिर से लॉग इन करना होगा।
  • After login (jtp.uppcl) pay the processing fee..
    प्रक्रिया शुल्क तथा अनुमानित लागत का ऑनलाइन भुगतान किया जा सकता है।
  • Select the dates for inspection of the feasibility of the site.
    साइट की व्यवहार्यता के निरीक्षण के लिए तिथियों का चयन करें |
  • Pay estimated cost online (jtp.uppcl) uploaded by SDO/ JE.
    एसडीओ/जेई द्वारा अपलोड की गई अनुमानित लागत का ऑनलाइन भुगतान करें।
  • The department shall install a meter on the premise after the estimated amount of payment.
    विभाग अनुमानित राशि के भुगतान के बाद परिसर में मीटर लगाएगा।
  • Track the status of the application and get SMS alerts.
    आवेदन की स्थिति जान सकेंगे तथा एसएमएस अलर्ट की सुविधा।

Document required for electricity new connection on Jhatpat portal

After login on the Jhatpat portal applicant has to fill in all basic information like name, address, required load, supply type, and nearest powerhouse detail.

Once the above detail has been filled on the first page of the Jhatpat portal applicants are required to upload the following document-

(i) Proof of ownership of land has to be uploaded on the Jhatpat portal. ownership proof could be a registry paper of land, sale deed, Nagar Nigam tax paper, Niwas Praman Patra.

Certified rent receipt of current date by the owner or valid lease deed or indemnity form .any Order Copy of the civil or high court, are also considered as land ownership proof.

(ii) An NOC from the main authority if the applicant is the sub-office/ branch of the main office.

(iii) if a partnership shop or firm applies a new connection then the document of agreement of partnership is required.

(iv) In case of a new connection applied by a Limited company on the Jhatpat portal applicant needed to submit/upload an Articles of Association, Certificate of incorporation, Memorandum, and list of all Director’s, MD / certified addresses.

(v) B & L form or Work completion and Test certificate have to be upload on the Jhatpat portal. In the electricity department, B&L is a certificate of completion of house wiring and installation of electrical safety equipment( for example fuse wire, MCB, etc.) provided by a contractor authorized by the licensee.

(vi) In case of connection has been applied by a renter or tenant then an Owner’s consent and NOC has to be uploaded on the Jhatpat portal. 

(b) Electricity department officer shall also help the applicant in case of the applicant faces any problem in getting the connection.

once the above work has been completed department officer will visit the applicant’s premises for inspection. in inspection they will submit the inspection report and upload the same on the Jhatpat portal.

In the inspection report, the following information shall be included-
1- A distance of the premise from the nearest pole must be within 40 meters,
2-There should not be any dispute/court case on-premise.
3-There should be no previous Arrear/ Outstanding dues of the department on that premise. means the consumer must not be a defaulter.

After uploading the inspection report if the above condition is fully filled and releasing connection is feasible then an estimate of a new connection shall also be uploaded by officers. then that estimate has to be deposited by the applicant. after that officer will install a meter on the consumer premise.

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